
For studying the ceremonies for crowning British Kings and Queens.

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The service of Coronation of King Charles III is on 6 May 2023 at Westminster Abbey, London.

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February 18, 2023 5:54 pm  #1


The Crown Jewels 1998
Blair, Claude (ed) 1998 The Crown Jewels - The History of the Coronation Regalia in the Jewel House of the Tower of London, 2 vols, London: The Stationery Office
General editor: Claude Blair, with 8 authors providing various sections.

Barker 1976
Brian Barker OBE 1976 When the Queen was Crowned, London and Henley: Routledge & Kegan Paul 

Coronation Costume
Zillah Halls, London Museum 1973 Coronation Costume and Accessories 1685-1953. London: Her Majesty's Stationery Office 

Loftie 1902
Loftie WJ c1902-3 The Coronation Book of Edward VII: King of all the Britains and Emperor of India. London: Cassell & Co LImited 
This undated edition has a final chapter "The Ninth of August" to cover postponing the coronation from 26 June to 9 August 1902 and is a beautifully bound volume with many colour plates.

Macleane 1911
Douglas Macleane 1911 The Great Solemnity of the Coronation,  London: George Allen 
An interesting history of Coronations from a cleric's point of view. The entire book can be downloaded here

Souvenir Album 2013
The Queen's Coronation 1953, The Official Souvenir Album, Caroline de Guitaut, 2013, Royal Collection Trust

Twining 1967
Twining, Lord 1967 European Regalia, London: Batsford


Board footera

Royal Jewels Lists are suspended.