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The service of Coronation of King Charles III is on 6 May 2023 at Westminster Abbey, London.

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April 9, 2023 5:53 pm  #1

Ampulla and Coronation Spoon

Links to the Royal Collection for the Ampulla and for the Coronation Spoon.

The Coronation Spoon was "first recorded in the Royal Collection in 1349" and is the oldest item in the Jewel House at the Tower of London.

" The spoon remained among the regalia until 1649, when it was sold off (rather than melted down like the other items). It was purchased by a Mr Kynnersley, Yeoman of Charles I's Wardrobe, for 16 shillings. Kynnersley returned the spoon to Charles II, for use at the coronation in 1661, when the small pearls were added to its decoration. It has remained in use ever since. "

Traditionally the oil is placed in the Ampulla and then poured into the Spoon for the anointing.




April 9, 2023 7:58 pm  #2

Re: Ampulla and Coronation Spoon

According to Macleane 1911 -

These are, in substance, the two most ancient portions of the Regalia, having escaped destruction by the Parliament in 1649. The reason of their preservation is that they were kept with the other sacramental vessels at the Abbey (as all the Regalia had been till Henry VIII.) instead of at the Tower. The Ampull, or Eglet, is possibly the one used to anoint the first Lancastrian King, and the Spoon is even assigned to the twelfth century. Both, however, underwent some remaking and chasing at the Restoration and the Spoon, which was at one time enamelled, has recently been regilded. The Ampull was originally of lapis lazuli, with a golden eagle on the top encircled with pearls and diamonds. It stands 9 inches high, and the wings are 7 inches across. The sacred oil, of which it holds 6 ounces, comes out at the beak. The head screws off. At the earliest Anglo-Saxon Coronations described to us a horn was used (as by Samuel in anointing Saul).

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