
For studying the ceremonies for crowning British Kings and Queens.

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The service of Coronation of King Charles III is on 6 May 2023 at Westminster Abbey, London.

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May 1, 2023 6:40 pm  #1

King's Procession to the Abbey with Sovereign's Escort

Their Majesties will travel in procession from Buckingham Palace to Westminster Abbey. This is known as ‘The King’s Procession’.

Their Majesties will travel in the Diamond Jubilee State Coach, drawn by 6 Windsor Grey horses.

The Household Cavalry will provide the Sovereign’s Escort.

The King’s Procession will travel along The Mall, through Admiralty Arch, passing to the south of the King Charles Island statue in Trafalgar Square before turning onto Whitehall. The procession will continue down Whitehall and along the east and south sides of Parliament Square, arriving at Westminster Abbey.


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